Sunday, May 26, 2013

Daniel Reviews Movies and Stuffs #2-Mulan (with special guest!)

Hello, followers!
Today, due to a comment expressed in an earlier post,

(Interestingly, David thought it was an awesome movie, and I should have asked him why. I agree. It was good, but it didn't blow me away.
Review Mulan so I can write a ranty comment about why I thought it rocked.)

I have decided to not only review Mulan, but get the author of this comment (my mother) to review it as well, in interview format!

So, without further ado...

DW: Overall, why do you think the movie rocked?
FA: I thought that Mulan (the title character) was kick-ass.

DW: Elaborate.
FA: Despite being scared, she joined the army. Despite failing first, she persevered.

DW: Any favorite supporting characters?
FA: I liked the little dragon.
DW: Mushu?
FA: How can you not like Eddie Murphy?

DW: Did you think there were any special plot details that made the movie richer?
FA: I liked that (Mulan) went to war both to protect her father and to find herself.

DW: Thoughts on the antagonist? Did he twist his proverbial mustache enough?
FA: He was a very bog-standard villain. Not a lot of depth, just "I will kill EVERYBODY in the world!"

DW: You wake up. Mushu is staring you right in the face. What do?
FA: Scream loudly and swat him like a mouse.

Mushu does not like being swatted.

DW: In conclusion, what score do you give it out of 10 and why?
FA: I give it an 8 because I really appreciated how "un-princessy" Mulan was. I had been expecting a more traditional, passive princess.

I have to agree with her on the 8. It was really gripping and there were many funny and poignant moments alike. Plus EDDIE MURPHY.


  1. I agree with your take on Mulan, especially about it being non-princessy.

  2. I really like the interview format - could you do an interview with your dad on - say - Aladdin?
