Thursday, June 20, 2013

Neglect and Ducks...

...they go hand in hand.

Aww, isn't it cute?

Anyway, I have not exaclty been doing anything on a regular schedule. I aim to change that. So, enjoy this picture I'm working on and I will keep you all posted XD.

Aren't they cute? Not as cute as the duck, but still...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

On Equestria Girls

Welly welly well.
I have learned a very valuable lesson today. The lesson is that I, and probably every brony in the whole damn world, should KEEP CALM AND TRUST THE WRITERS/DHX/HASBRO.

I just got back from watching Equestria Girls. It was...good. It wasn't a bad movie at all. In fact, it was great. It was a little cliche-y, but the catchy songs and direct brony refrences more than made up for that. It had truly evil villains and was totally funny. Everyone on the internet was worried for nothing. It's obvious the company loves and appreciates us. The special surprise at the end of the credits sealed it, but I won't reveal it. I'm just so, so very relieved. Coulda been worse.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Scooter Odyssey

I crash a college party. (not really-more's the pity!)

I find a random shoe. (OMG don't you just love shoes?)

And I do these and many more from the comfort of my scooter!

Anyhoo, I decided to go out into the world with just a scooter, a camera, and the clothes on my back.

And THESE are the results.

Yup. I'm a stalker.

Comment for Scooter Odyssey 2!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

This could possibly be the best school ever...

...and the forecast says that high school will likely be a million and six times WURS!

Well, I still have a year to go, thankfully. And although it hasn't been the best time I still have nothing but  good memories here at Londonderry, when it comes right down to it. I guess you forget the bad ones in the very long term.

This place has been...interesting, to say the least. I've had quite a plethora of times at this crazy school, some bad, but mostly good, thankfully.
And I'm sure that high school (which will be cyber!) won't be THAT bad.

It's just not Londonderry.

Monday, June 3, 2013